Tulear / Madagaskar

An energy company having its base at Antananarivo Madagascar is the major power producer in Madagascar Island and supplies power to the grid as IPP.

At Tulear the company is executing the IPP plant with 3 X 16 V 32 + 1 X 12 V 32 Wartsila generators and GPCE was awarded the EPC contract for the design , engineering , supply , erection and commissioning contract for the plant .

The contract involved the establishment of 20 KV power system and synchronizing system at 20 KV with grid.

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Major challenges are pointed below:


Different generators and different governing systems were to be harmonized for smooth load sharin

Train the operators on new system.

The system was designed and supplied with Schneider M340 based PLC and DIEF controllers.

The grid monitoring and load shedding was enabled through ARCTEQ monitoring relays and ARCTEQ advanced power monitors.

The system is under commissioning.